In this section you will find the information necessary to help you look after your extensions for the duration of their recommended wear. This information is also reproduced in the aftercare advice sheet supplied, and signed, during your fitting appointment. It is your responsibility to ensure you follow the guidelines we have set in order to protect the condition of both your extension hair, the bonds/attachments, and your natural hair.
We provide free monthly checkup appointments for every client where we will assess your hair and advise you on the steps to take to keep both your natural hair and extension hair in optimum condition. It is your responsibility to attend your free scheduled check up appointments. During your checkups we will also advise you on the maximum wear time before you should have your extensions removed. This is to ensure your natural hair stays as healthy as possible. Please note: failure to act on our advice may lead to damage to your natural hair and we accept NO responsibility for the health of your natural hair if you fail to attend your free checkup appointments OR fail to have your extensions removed at the recommended time we state during your checkups.

It is important you DO NOT wash your hair for 48 hours after having your extensions fitted. This will give your bonds the optimum time they need to fully set. This same advice is applicable to Tape Extensions.
Now you have hair extensions, you should wash your hair a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 3 times per week. Excessive washing and styling beyond this will wear out your attachment area for your extensions faster. Always brush your hair before washing - following the instructions in section 2.
Standard shampoo & conditioners are NOT suitable for use on hair extensions – no responsibility is accepted for the condition of your hair extensions if hair extension products are not used.
You will need to wash your hair in a different way when wearing extensions. Do not scrub your hair – instead gently massage your scalp and smooth the shampoo down the length of the extension hair. Make sure to rinse for a few extra minutes longer than you did before you wore extensions, to ensure shampoo product doesn't linger between the bonds. Not rinsing adequately is common for first time extension wearers & can lead to a very itchy scalp!
Conditioner should only be applied on the mid lengths and ends of the hair, never on or anywhere near to the bonds/tape attachment. Applying conditioner on or near the attachment area may cause them to degrade immediately or over time. Degraded bonds will lead to bonds slipping, extension hair shedding from the bonds, and/or complete bond loss. Conditioner on or near tape attachments will also cause tape adhesive to corrode, leading to tape loss.
Never wash your hair extensions over a bath or sink – an upright position in the shower is ideal.
Do not ‘towel dry’ with a rubbing action – pat the hair dry instead. Then follow the instructions in Section 4 - Drying & Styling for guidelines on how to best dry your extension hair.
On the days when you are not able to wash your extension hair - isolate the T section of your natural hair (as shown at your fitting) and wash or use dry shampoo on this section. To revitalise the ends of your extension hair, on both wash & wash free days, apply a small amount of argan oil. Remember this is for the mid to ends of the hair only, make sure this does not go onto or near the bond/or tape attachment. A little goes a long way here, too much argon oil on the ends will weigh them down and make them lank, lifeless and greasy.
Standard shampoo & conditioners are NOT suitable for use on hair extensions. Silver & Purple shampoo is also NOT recommended for your hair extensions. No responsibility is accepted for the condition of your hair extensions if the correct hair extension products are not used. Detailed guides featuring the specific brand products we recommended can be found on the aftercare advice guide you received at your fitting appointment . They are also available for viewing and downloading (by registerd Glory Locks clients) in our members area section accessible via the log in section at the top of the page. A general guide of what to avoid is listed below.
Sodium Lauryl (Ester) Sulphate (SLS)
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES)
SLS & SLES - are scientifically proven skin and hair irritants which, when used in shampoos, over time, have been shown to damage and thin the hair follicle. They also strip colour from colour treated hair; if you've ever wondered why your colour treatments don't last long look at the ingredients list in your shampoo, you will undoubtedly find SLS/SLES high up in the ingredients list. The higher its placement in the list, the higher the concentration of this chemical. These aggressive compounds (also utilised in car wash and floor cleaning products) are too harsh for hair extensions and are often reponsible for causing excessive dryness making them vulnerable to matting, tangling & colour fade/change. These ingredients are found in most massly available, shop bought shampoos. Why do manufacturers include such harsh irritants? Cost margins; both are very powerful degreasers (hence their utilisation in car wash and floor cleaning products) and are extremely cheap to process.
SLS - and SLES free products are widely recommeded in the hair extension industry. Precaution: Despite this industry wide recommendation, beware that a small percentage of some branded hair extension shampoos DO contain these chemicals. As a result - the industry is known to be peppered with products recommended for hair extensions which are known to be unsuitable to maintain them in a healthy state. All you can do is be vigilent and always avoid any hair care products containing these chemicals.
wearing our Tape extensions must always avoid shampoos containing any oils or silicones as they will degrade the adhesive of your tape attachment. ​

Once your extensions are fitted, to maintain the health of your natural hair and extension hair, it is important you only use a specialist extension brush. Brush your hair at least twice per day, especially upon waking and before bed. When brushing ensure you thoroughly support the bonds. Take a small section of hair you wish to brush, hold the bonds firmly in this section, and start by brushing the bottom of the hair and work your way brushing higher up. Take extra care when brushing near or over the attachment area. You are advised to brush this area, to avoid matting, but do ensure you are gentle and take your time. Continue working through brushing your hair in small sections, following the instructions outlined above.
It is important to separate each bond every morning, after sleeping, to ensure your hair and extensions stay tangle free. Separate the bonds by using your fingers to feel over and around each bond/attachment. Gently separate any tangled area if you find any. This important process should only take you a few extra minutes in your morning routine.
To prepare for sleep, never go to sleep with damp or wet hair. ALWAYS ensure your hair is completely dry, & tie your hair into either one or two low forming loose plaits (one on each side of the head). Your plait/s should be loose (so there is no added tension on the bonds) and start below the ears.

Avoid conditioners containing any Silicones. For the reason against silicones please refer to the aftercare advice booklet you were supplied with at your fitting appointment. Only apply your conditioner to the mid lengths and ends of the hair, never apply on or anywhere near to the bonds/tape attachment as this will cause them to degrade immediately or over time. Degraded bonds will lead to bonds slipping, extension hair shedding from the bonds, and/or complete bond loss. Conditioner on or near tape attachments will also cause tape adhesive to degrade, leading to tape loss.
Additional information (including a list of both salon and high street hair care products we recommend) is available for Elle & East clients via the Aftercare Advice leaflet you received during your fitting appointment. Please get in touch if you require an additional copy.

Fully dry your bonds/tape attachments using a COOL setting on your hair dryer. Never leave them to dry naturally as this will cause damage resulting in hair extension loss immediately or over time.
Section and blow dry without excessive pulling. Always ensure you support the attachment area by supporting it by holding it with one hand whilst brushing/drying/styling, to avoid excessive pulling.
You can use heated styling tools to straighten, curl, and tong the extension hair – again avoiding excessive pulling. NEVER place a heated styling tool near to or on the bonds/tape attachments – as this can melt and damage them. Heated styling aids should only be used on the mid length to the ends of the hair. Use a medium heat setting if available when styling - the cooler the setting the more you will protect the quality and lifespan of your new hair.
Only styling products specially formulated and recommended for hair extensions should be used on the hair. NEVER let any styling products touch the bonds or tape attachments. Only apply recommended products from the mid length to the ends of the hair. With tape hair be especially careful of the styling products you use and do not use any containing alcohol, glycerin, oils, silicones or waxes – tape adhesive degrades on contact with these substances resulting in premature tape loss.

If you have a very active lifestyle (e.g. sport/exercise) tie hair back for activities. Try to time your hair washing to after your physical activity sessions (but remember you shouldn't be washing your extensions more than 3 times per week). If required use dry shampoo between washes on T-section, or just isolate the free natural hair to wash.
Please note we accept NO responsibility if you subject your hair to any of the following conditions in this section - be aware that both your extension hair and the attachments/bonds are NOT designed to withstand these factors:
You should try to avoid exposure to both intense sunlight and also sunbeds whilst wearing hair extensions. If it is unavoidable then try to protect both the hair and the bonds as much as possible - for sun bed use wrap your hair securely in a towel. In periods of intense sunlight plait hair loosly and wear a sunhat to protect the hair/bonds/tape attachments as much as possible.
If you are going on holiday, we advise you to wait until after your return to have hair extensions fitted. Be aware exposure to holiday factors such as (but not exclusive to) intense heat and water facilities (i.e. washing hair using hotel water systems) in foreign climates can adversely affect your hair extensions. Your extensions should NEVER have contact with SEA WATER. Contact with suntan lotion/cream is also known to damage both bonds/tape attachments and hair extension quality/colour.
If you swim in swimming baths/pools– wash hair straight after to remove all traces of chlorine. Some chlorine levels may damage the hair extensions and attachments so advice is to tie the hair up, wear a bathing cap, and do not submerge your hair in any swimming pool water.

Please note we accept NO responsibility if you subject your hair to any of the following conditions in this section - be aware that both your extension hair and the attachments/bonds are NOT designed to withstand these factors:
We do NOT recommend you to have either your extension hair or your natural hair coloured in any way during the time you wear your hair extensions. This includes any form of altering the shade/colour including semi or permanent colour, tinting, highlights or bleach etc. Please note that contact of these chemicals with your bonds/attachments may corrode them leading to complete bond loss, bond slippage, and/or excessive hair shedding from the bonds. Be advised that contact of these chemicals can also lead to severe drying of extension hair beyond repair. Hair extensions are often predyed or lightened prior to fitting and colouring them again may also lead to unexpected colour outcomes.

A professional service should not only include maintenance but access to advice from your extensionist for the recommended wear time of your extensions. If your extensions are professionally applied and the correct type for your hair then the likelihood of any problems occurring is significantly reduced. If you are, however, experiencing any unforeseen problems with your hair extensions fitted by Elle & East the first thing to do is not to worry: first and foremost - please do not hesitate to telephone us, as soon as possible, to arrange an immediate appointment for us to assess your hair and help you.